Monday, April 11, 2011

Mapleton Carmel with Bling!

Okay so  you know I have a thing for kats, and spots, and Orion...but how about it all in one?
So what do you get if you cross a solid black ram, Swiftriver Neville AI, to a solid fawn katmoget?  Not the best pictures but it is really hard to get good photos in a jug...he is turning toward me but it is the best one I have of his markings...

 How about that bling for F2 Heights Orion ram lamb!?  And his twin ram lamb below with a little bling of his own.  He looks like a foal to me with those long elegant legs.
Carmel had a little trouble yesterday but delivered these good size ram lambs yesterday afternoon, with a little help clearing the horn buds of the first.  The second followed very quickly with no help at all.  I was glad I was there.  The first was little weak after his ordeal and was slow to get up but the second was up almost instantly.  I had to keep directing her attention to the first because the second was stealing the show.  In the end she got them both cleaned, up and nursing, and both look great this morning.  I did give them both Nutridrench and a BoSe shot which seemed to give them an added boost as well.  Carmel another first time mom exceeding my expectations.  Did these little rams just oust a few of my older rams out of a job here?  Maybe...these spotted boys are not related to my Minwawe sheep.

Neville's lamb crop for the year is complete.  He gave me 6 ewes and 5 rams.  All look fantastic!  The rams are all spotted, one katmoget that I think is grey under all his white, 2 black HST, 2 moorit (one HST).  The ewes he gave me:  3 black (one krunet), two moorit, and one grey.  Have to check my photos and compare to the markings poster and written descriptions to give you the correct names of the markings.  I wanted to see what a little UK blood would do to my flock and I couldn't be happier with the results.  I believe that breeders should try to remain open minded and try new things and see how it works for them, and this case I was really happy I did.  Having the option is what I find myself arguing for more often than not.  I really have always been drawn to Heights Orion offspring and was glad to find one available here in the northeast.  Neville has a great temperament to match his good looks.  That I love.  I do think a mature ram here over the long haul is something I may not be ready for.  If you are interested in Neville let me know.  He will get almost all the ewes in his breeding group this fall if he is still here.  He could be made available before breeding season or late fall.  Inquire if you are interested.

Other ram stats to go check on my last three hold outs...Hester, Olympia, and Hope.


  1. The ramling in the first photo gets the prize as the flashiest lamb I've seen this season! VERY exciting; congrats!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks! I love him! So relieved he was bouncing around all day. Had a rocky start. Found Carmel flat on her back in labor all four legs straight up in the air. After I rolled her back to her side, I freed the second leg that was back and gave him a gentle pull during her next contraction to clear his horn buds but thought he wasn't going to make when he was so out of it at first.
