Thursday, March 28, 2013

Almost time for Lambs

Ladies in Waiting
ABA Lava (F1 Drum Jings white ram) had the following ewes in his breeding group:
Minwawe Pearl - grey flecket
Pike Hill Olympia - fawn gully
Mapleton Topaz - grey flecket
Mapleton Peanut Brittle - moorit
Mapleton Pumpkin - moorit
Mapleton Opal - fawn kat
 Mapleton Kismet - black

Mapleton Seneca (F2 Heights Orion moorit and white ram):
Minwawe Marshmello - grey (white spot)
Mapleton Artemis - fawn gul/kat
Mapleton Silvermist - grey kat
Mapleton Cupcake - fawn flecket
Mapleton Cappuccino - fawn kat
Mapelton Apollo (fawn gully half poll):
High Bid Hester - black
Harvest Thyme Quechee - modifed black gully
ewes - after shearing they don't appear to have settled or will have very late lambs.
Shearing this Sunday.  Lambs all April!  Stayed tuned and speak up if you see anything you would like as they arrive and as you watch them grow!  Deposit require to hold lambs.  My best ram lamb I held last year without one and now he is still here without a flock to call his own, a waste of his good looks!  Really nice yearling rams still available.  Flock starter packages available, please inquire.


  1. Always a good idea to require a non-refundable deposit. I hope you find good homes for all that you want to sell! Can't wait to see photos, since no lambs here this year.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Michelle! I know I have been MIA on the blogs of late, it is nice to know that you haven't forgotten about me! :)
    It really has been so busy, still debating if this will be my last year for lambs. Maybe just a smaller number next year or take a year or two off but keep a nice foundation group of ewes so if I decide to do it again, I will be ready. I haven't even knit or spun all winter. Need to figure out what farm projects we want to keep and doing and to what extent as life demands outside the farm increasingly find us pinched for time.

    1. I am often reminded by those who have gone before that "this, too, shall pass." We are in a busy season of life, raising our kid(s) and all that that involves (a LOT). Someday we shall both have more time for spinning and knitting and riding....
