It is time. I like them all. At this point they are all keepers. I just have to be strict with myself and try to let go to get to my target number. I did get elected to the local school board so I expect the next year to 3 years to be particularly busy. All rams are available for sale. I need few to stay until November to cover the flock for this breeding season, but as of Thanksgiving they are good to go to a new home. I also banded all the black rams except for one, as well as banded one grey and a katmoget. So some lovely fiber wethers/pets are available. I picked the rams with the best looking horns, fleece, conformation, and unique colors/markings to keep as rams. Adult and yearling ewes are still available. One yearling ram black and white yearling ram, if not spoken for in the next two weeks will be sent for meat. One half polled fawn gulmoget ram that needs to stay until November as well but will be availble after that. In terms of ewe lambs I have two black ewe lambs and one moorit ewe lamb that I have decided to let go as well. All lambs this year are by Swiftriver Neville, he is 50% UK gentics as he is the product of AI. So some really great genetics if you are looking to start a flock or add new lines to your existing flock.

Can Too Sky her moorit and white ram and black wether all for sale.
The moorit and white above, and modifed black (I think emsket. Not black to the skin anywhere and no Ag in his lines) gully below available the end of November. The gully's twin is also a wether.
Mapleton Peanut and her moorit ewe lamb and black ram lamb are all for sale.
I hate to do it but I would be willing to part with Mapleton Hope to the right home. I am keeping her moorit ewe lamb. Her black ewe lamb is sold.
Opal's yearling daugher has been on and off my sales list forever. Again for the right home, I will let her go. Love her stance! She is very, very soft. May carry the modifier and may carry polled.
Marshmello's twins got to stay rams. The are grey but they are AWESOME! Both are for sale.
There are lots more for sale. I will try to get more photos later. Had a lot of rain lately, not great for photos but great for growing pastures. I will also update you on who has sold already. There are 8 leaving in the next few weeks.
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