Took a few pictures of ewe lambs available for sale yesterday. There are 3 brown based ewe lambs (one or two of those may be modified or carry the modifier) and 3 black ewe lambs for sale, as well as the 2 black and white F2 Heights Orion ram lambs, and 3 katmoget ram lambs. It is Monday...reasonable offers considered. Violet and her ewe lamb left this weekend to start a new shetland flock close by. The Cheviot and one of her lambs leave soon to join Lilly in her new home. That is all the update I have for today, so I will leave you with a few photos:
Pearl's F2 Heights Orion
Opal's and Champ's ewe lamb possible poll carrier and possibly modified.
Cotton Candy's F2 ewe lamb:
Hope and Patches' ewe lamb:
Marshmello's F2 ewe lamb:
Destiny and Zeus twins:
Better close up of the ewe lamb.
Pretty Pearl - this photo is just for you Robin :)
Ooh! I still love those ewe lambs of Opal's and Hester's!