Well the chicken mystery is still unsolved. From some emails I received after my last post and local farmers I have talked with, it seems the prime suspect for the kill is a weasel or mink. Ironic this farm was a mink farm back in the 1940's. The tell tale sign...a few were missing their heads. Then I think an opportunistic raccoon and our resident fox family came in to help clean up. The live traps are empty so no luck there so far. Our pigs were picked up yesterday and that same farm will have pullets ready to lay available beginning of August...Red Stars. I think I will pick up a few of those and order some other breeds when we order our meat birds and start them later in the summer when I am ready to give up my mudroom again for a while. Not ready yet...
Took a few pictures of ewe lambs available for sale yesterday. There are 3 brown based ewe lambs (one or two of those may be modified or carry the modifier) and 3 black ewe lambs for sale, as well as the 2 black and white F2 Heights Orion ram lambs, and 3 katmoget ram lambs. It is Monday...reasonable offers considered. Violet and her ewe lamb left this weekend to start a new shetland flock close by. The Cheviot and one of her lambs leave soon to join Lilly in her new home. That is all the update I have for today, so I will leave you with a few photos:
Pearl's F2 Heights Orion
Opal's and Champ's ewe lamb possible poll carrier and possibly modified.
Hester's ewe lamb also possible poll carrier by HarvestThyme Champ:
Cotton Candy's F2 ewe lamb:
Hope and Patches' ewe lamb:
Marshmello's F2 ewe lamb:
Destiny and Zeus twins:
Better close up of the ewe lamb.
Pretty Pearl - this photo is just for you Robin :)