You know the problem with having too many nice sheep? You get too many nice lambs...and you end up having to sell ones you never thought you would. Unless you have unlimited resources and unlimited land, that is just not practical. I also move my sheep with out a proper herding dog, although my GSP usually helps I am not letting her near them at the moment because of her own pups. I am allergic to most longer haired dogs that herding dogs seem to be. If you have a short haired border collie and want to trade for a GSP puppy let me know. Since that is not likely to happen, I need my flock to be small enough to want to follow me with a little grain. So I have been working on my sales list. It is really hard and the only way I can see to do it is to try cut back on sheep that I have something very similar to in my flock or high concentrations of their lines. Which puts some favorites on the list, but it is getting to the point where they are almost all favorites. Some I NEVER thought I could part with, but I can't keep them all. So without further ado here is a quick list of the adult and yearlings and one goat doe available for sale, available immediately unless otherwise indicated:
- Mapleton Bella (Minwawe Bahama X Minwawe Cha Cha) yearling
- Mapleton Peanut (High Bid Kermit X Twin Springs Cotton Candy) available after weaning, 2 year old
- Minwawe Sprinkles (Minwawe Cupid 2 X Minwawe Marshmello) available after weaning, 3 year old
- Twin Springs Cotton Candy (Twin Springs Gideon X Twin Springs Gemma) available with ewe lamb at her side or after weaning. 5 year old
- Spring Hill Patches (Twin Springs Buster X Twin Springs Juniper) yearling
- Mapleton Storm (Minwawe Bahama X Minwawe Serendippity) yearling
- Mapleton Zeus (Mapleton Cooper X Pike Hill Olympia) available October 21st
2 year old
- Swiftriver Neville AI (Heights Orion X Swiftriver Thistle) available November 21st
3 year old
- 2006 American Cheviot Sheep Society Registered ewe (Green MMG 347 ST 1021) available after weaning, 5 year old
- Corriedale crossbred ewe Hershey, 5 year old (might be going with son to one of my favorite fiber flocks!)
- Nubian yearling doe Lilly
In terms of the lambs, we are still making our selections. The nice thing is that they were almost all born with a spare so even if I decide to keep one twin, the other is most likely going to be for sale. The exception being Quechee and Olympia's lambs...we have to let them grow a little before deciding on them. I certainly don't NEED to keep 4 gully lambs but just not able to choose between them yet. Both single black and white ewe lambs are for sale. So please inquire if you see something you like as you watch them grow on the this blog. Flock starter packages available.